Eastern High School Announcements
Friday September 2, 2022
There will be a student council meeting at 7:45AM on Wednesday, September 7 in Mrs. Nibert’s Room! Be sure to come with ideas for themes for Homecoming!!
Are you a student who loves technology? Do you love to tinker? Do you like to make stuff? If this is you, please come to the Middle School Tech Club Fridays after school from 3:15 to 4:15PM. We will meet this Friday right after school downstairs in Mr. Mink’s room 317. See Mr. Mink if you are not able to attend the meeting. See ya soon!
Please read through next Wednesday (Sep 7):
All seniors interested in going on this year’s senior trip. There will be a mandatory meeting next Wednesday, September 7th. The meeting will be in the cafeteria at 8:30 pm. This is scheduled late so you can make it after your extra curricular events. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Senior trip meeting – Wednesday, September 7, cafeteria, 8:30 pm.
Attention Juniors and Seniors – Ball State University will be at Eastern on Thursday, September 8 at 1:45. If you would like to attend this meeting, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Tuesday, September 6.
Can you announce this today-Friday?
Attention Middle School students, Middle School Student Council will meet on Tuesday, September 6 after school in Ms. Carpenter’s room. All Middle School students are invited to join Student Council. Student Council will plan middle school dances, service projects and many more fun activities. There will be a late bus at 4 for students who need to ride the bus home. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Carpenter or Mr. Fleenor.
Sunshine club will have a call out meeting Thursday Sept. 8th @ 745 in Mrs. Meador’s room. (run until 7th)