iPad Information

Eastern iPad 1:1 Initiative

Eastern Howard is committed to providing a world class education to all of our students. Each of our schools is fully 1:1 with digital devices. iPads have been chosen and distributed to all of our staff and students. Our infrastructure is continually evaluated and updated to adapt to changing technology needs. Safety is always our primary concern, especially with our 1:1 iPad deployment which stays with students 24/7. Because of this, we have implemented safe filtering for internet and app access whether students are at school or at home. While no filter is 100%, we work hard to keep our students safe. Teaching staff continue with daily professional development on a variety of topics including regular technology development. Our school system adopted Canvas years ago and it continues to serve as our learning management system. Canvas allows teachers to digitally run their classes and provide access to handouts, discussions, quizzes and other activities. A partner app from Instructure is installed on every iPad to allow students quick access to their courses.

Damaged Device Information

Eastern Howard School Corporation has been an iPad 1:1 school for many years now. The devices have become integral to the curriculum of the schools and play an important part in the education of our students. We understand that accidents happen, and when they do, we are happy to work with you. All student and staff devices are now covered under AppleCare. In the majority of instances this means if a student damages a device their family will not be billed. Billing may still occur if students excessively damage devices and they then fall outside of the AppleCare agreement.

There are certain things that are not covered under AppleCare. These items are still billable when they occur.

Case Damage - Each student is issued a case for their device. Damage to the case that results in a shattered trackpad or a case that cannot be reclaimed to be issued to new students is billable. Students should take care with their cases and try to keep them in good condition. Normal wear and tear does not fall into this category. Cases are replaced at a cost to the student when they are deemed unable protect the device, or if the student withdraws and the case is unfit for redistribution. This includes markings, paint, tears, stickers that cannot be removed, etc.

Charger Damage - Each device is issued with a charger (specifically from Apple). Lost or damaged chargers are the responsibility of each family. If your child leaves Eastern they are expected to return the issued charger in good working condition or fees may be billed for the school to replace the charger.

Wanton or Deliberate Damage to the iPad - Any damage found to be deliberate or wanton destruction of school property is subject to billing.

If you receive a bill for student damage, you can make payment to the Central Office. If you are unable to pay your bill, the Central Office can work with you to create a payment plan. All devices must be maintained by the school for legal purposes. Our general repair process is outlined below. Please understand that all cases are different and repair costs change.

General Repair Procedures

1. The tech team is notified of the device damage either by the student or communication with a teacher

2. The student device is collected and sent to Apple under the AppleCare agreement

3. A different, permanent, device is issued to the student

4. The technology specialist in each building maintains AppleCare records for cases where AppleCare may be expended for the year and billing is necessary

5. If wanton damage, case damage, or charger damage are applicable to the reported incident, a bill is generated and sent to the student's family.

8. After 30 days of non-payment or failure to setup a payment plan with Central Office, a final delinquent letter is generated and mailed

9. If the delinquent due date lapses without payment, the Corporation takes appropriate actions

Technology Documentation