3/9/20 HS Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Monday, March 9, 2020


  • There will be a Sunshine Club meeting in Miss Meador’s room tonight, Monday March 9 immediately after school.


  • Senior Fling tickets are now on sale! Do you need money for spring break? Buy your tickets in the next two weeks. Not only will your ticket be only 20$ but your name will go in a drawing for a 50$ cash card! Two lucky ticket holders will win! But you have to buy your ticket before spring break!   You may purchase tickets with Mrs. Koziel in the High School Office.



  • There is a high school art club meeting on Wednesday, March 11th, in Ms. Chambers’ room from 3:15-4.


  • Announcement 3/9- Congratulations to the Encore Singers and Starlets for receiving GOLD place ratings this past Saturday at the ISSMA Show Choir Contest!



  • Announcement 3/9- Attention all Cast and Stage Crew for the production of “Mary Poppins”:  TECH rehearsal begins tonight at 5:00. Please meet promptly at 5 in the back middle section of the PAC.



  • Announcement 3/9-3/20 Eastern High School will present the musical “Mary Poppins” Friday, March 20 at 7:30 and Saturday, March 21 at 4:30.  Tickets may be purchased at booktix.com or at the door. Come join us on the “rooftops of London” where chimney sweeps dance and everything is “practically perfect” when Mary Poppins is around.


  • March is Disability Awareness Month! In honor of Disability Awareness Month the Functional Skills Class and the Sunshine Club will be sponsoring a Trivia Contest on Mondays and Fridays. The first person to email the correct answer to Lexi Hunt or Melissa Meador will win a prize! Today’s Trivia Question is: 9% of American Students are diagnosed with ADHD True or False?


  • The winner for today’s trivia question was Grace Quezada Cruz, The answer was True, 9% of American Students are diagnosed with ADHD.