Eastern High School Announcements
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
- Girls interested in participating in Track & Field this spring: Optional workouts will begin tonight, Tuesday, January 7th. Girls NOT participating in a winter sport can come Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30 – 4:30. Optional practices start tonight, Tuesday, January 7th.
- Attention Freshman: There will be a Freshman class meeting on Wednesday, January 8th at 8:10 in the café. Please plan to attend and bring a pen to the meeting. You will receive information on class rings.
- Auditions for “Mary Poppins” are this week! If you have any questions concerning auditions, see Mrs. Evenson. We need a lot of students for the show. So come out and audition!!
- Please announce this week: Spanish Club members: This Friday is Dessert Night at the basketball game. Bring in a dessert or $5 to Mrs. Larson anytime this week- the sooner the better! We still need workers for Friday night. Sign up in Mrs. Larson’s room for a shift.
- Spanish Club – will have our 3 King’s Day party with scavenger hunt. Food and prizes after school on Friday. Sign up in Mrs. Larson’s room so we have enough food and prizes for everyone!
- There will be an art club meeting tonight, January 7th, from 3:15-3:45 in the art room.
- Attention Seniors going on the Senior trip – There will be a Mandatory planning meeting on Monday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m. in Mrs. Eikenberry’s rom. Bring your phone or iPad. You will be making important ride & restaurant reservations. This will be the only meeting to do this, so plan to attend the mandatory meeting on 1/13.
- SADD Club will be having a dessert fundraiser this Friday at the Boys Basketball game. We need desserts and/or money donations. We also need volunteers to sell desserts Friday night at the game. See Mrs. Salkie with questions.