Coronavirus Information and Eastern Howard Schools (Updated 03/12/20)

Updated Announcement 03/11/2020

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Due to the recent confirmed case of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Howard County, all four of the Howard County School Corporations have collaborated and agreed that it is in the best interest of our students and school community to cancel tonight’s high school Howard County Music Festival performance.

Today, we were also informed that a hospital employee, who was in proximity to the patient confirmed with the virus, was present at last night’s Howard County Music Festival rehearsal with students.  For guidance we contacted the Indiana State Department of Health and spoke with Dr. Dan Rusyniak. Given the information, he did not find it necessary for the schools to take any further measures at this time other than the precautionary measures we currently have in place.  We will continue to work with our local and state health officials to ensure the safety of our students and staff. This is an ongoing situation that we are actively monitoring.

Eastern Howard School Corporation Administration

Eastern Howard believes the safety of students and staff is more important than anything else. While there have been reports of the coronavirus worldwide, Eastern has not seen any infections of this type. It is our policy to always be prepared though. Please take a moment to read through this information from our Superintendent, Dr. Keith Richie.

The full letter from Dr. Richie can be found at this link:

COVID-19 Letter to Parents

Updated information on COVID-19 can be found at:​

Coronavirus Information and Eastern Howard Schools (Updated 03/11/20)

In accordance with guidance from Governor Holcomb and the Howard County Health Department, Eastern Howard School Corporation will be closed from Monday, March 16, until Monday, April 13, 2020.  This step is necessary to mitigate the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak which has been confirmed in Indiana.  As of this time, there is no confirmed case within the EHSC community.  We recognize the impact this will have on your family, and we appreciate your continued support.

You can read the full letter from Dr. Richie below. You can also access the press release below.

The full letter from Dr. Richie can be found at this link:

COVID – 19 Closing Letter.pdf

The full media release can be found at this link:


Eastern Annual Performance Report

Indiana has released corporation and school annual performance reports. Eastern is proud to provide the corporation and school report below.

Eastern Adopts BoardDocs

Eastern Howard has adopted BoardDocs for management of school board documents and meetings. You can see the full information about BoardDocs below.

You can access BoardDocs at the following links: – This is the staff login link for Eastern staff/Board Members – Link to the Public site used by members of the community – Link to vote tallies while the Board meeting is in session.  This link is active only while the meeting is active.

Coffee and Conversation

Eastern welcomes feedback from the community. In our efforts to address community concerns and engage in meaningful conversation our superintendent, Dr. Keith Richie, has instituted monthly meetings with community members. Anyone from the community is welcome to attend our coffee and conversation meetings. You can find the full schedule for the year below.

Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent Schedule

Thursday, September 19, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, October 24, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, November21, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, December19, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.

All meetings to be held at the
Corporation Administrative Office
221 West Main Street
Greentown, In 46936

Welcome community input on concerns
and long-term planning for EHSC.


Orchestra Information

Welcome! If your student is in orchestra, all the information you need will be on Skyward and/or Canvas. If your student is not in currently in orchestra and has an interest, please reach out to Mr. Starnes ASAP!


Initiated by EHS band alums to honor Chuck and Joann Whorwell, this fund is committed to enhancing a culture of fine musicianship at Eastern High School.  Its goal is to make instruments more available and affordable and to provide for special clinics and instruction.  In 2016 grant funds were used to purchase two trumpets, and in 2017 nearly $1,000 was granted to purchase two flutes and one clarinet.

As of August 2017 the fund total was $30,100.  Continued donations to this fund will make even larger grants possible year after year.