9/20/2022 Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Tuesday September 20, 2022


Book club will be meeting on Wednesday, September 21st after school.  The first meeting will be discussing books you have recently read and plan for future books.

The library is having a call out meeting on Thursday, September 22nd at 3:10 for anyone interested in being on the library advisory board to help plan activities for the library.  The meeting will end by 4:00.  Please see Mrs. K if you have questions.

We will have a homeroom schedule on Wednesday September 21st!! Seniors will be meeting with a representative from Herff Jones.

“A call out meeting for the Eastern High School boys and girls bowling teams will be held on Thursday September 22 at 3:15 in the cafeteria.  Team members are needed for boys varsity and JV and girls varsity and JV teams.  No previous bowling experience is necessary.”

The Fall Choral Concert, “Let’s Go To the Movies” will be presented this Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00. Tickets may be purchased at eastern.booktix.com or at the door.

All tickets are $5 and all seats are reserved.

Hope you can come and enjoy a night at the movies!

Attention Juniors and Seniors Guys  – Wabash College will be at Eastern on Tuesday, September 27  at 10:30.  If you would like to learn more about Wabash College, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Friday, September 23.

Attention Juniors and Seniors  – Purdue University will be at Eastern on Tuesday, September 27  at 1:45.  If you would like to learn more about Purdue College, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Friday, September 23.

“Girls Track:   returning athletes, and those who are planning on being on the team this spring– We are planning on organizing a group to volunteer at the

Aimee Romero 5K.  Please try to attend the meeting either before or after school this Thursday, Sept. 22.  

Contact Mrs. Kantz for additional information.”

Any Club or Sport interested in having a float/vehicle in the parade needs to sign up on the sheet in the office by Wednesday, September 28th.  All floats/vehicles must have an adult driver.  Please see Mrs. Nibert if you have any questions!