Eastern High School Announcements
Tuesday August 15, 2023.
Art club callout will be Wednesday August 16th. It will be right after school and will only last about 30 minutes.
The Volleyball team will be hosting a Homecoming week volleyball tournament for boys in grades 9-12. Tryouts are Aug. 16th from 6:30-7:30 in the Main gym with a $5.00 admission fee. First game will be September 4th and the championship game will be September 6th. Let’s see what grade will win the homecoming volleyball tournament. For any additional information, see any high school volleyball player.
Join Spanish Club!
We will have our callout meeting, complete with piñata, on Tuesday, Aug. 15.
We will meet in Mrs. Larson’s room, Room 301 from 3:20-4:00.
After the meeting we will go to Hacienda for anyone who can make it.
If you are interested in being in Spanish Club but cannot make the meeting, see Mrs. Larson.
Students and staff: Join us at Hacienda tonight! Tell your waiter you are at Hacienda to participate in the Eastern fundraiser. This money will raise funds for International Comets Espanol.
This year’s play is Alice in Wonderland. Auditions are this week. Sign up for a slot by room 119’s door and collect the needed paperwork. If you have any questions, email Ms. Maxwell.
Senior Trip parent meeting will be this Thursday @ 8:00 PM in the cafeteria. Important info on payments, fundraisers, and many other details for the trip. Please plan to attend and make sure to bring a parent.
Picture day will be Friday August 18th. Everyone WILL be required to get their picture taken. However, you do not have to order a picture package.
SADD Club will have a short meeting after school next Tuesday August 22 in the nurse’s office. Please come if you are interested in joining. It is open to Middle and High School Students. Hope to see you there!!
Middle School student council will be having their first meeting on Thursday the 17th after school in Mr. Fleenor’s room. Meeting will end at 4.