3/8/24 Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Friday March 8, 2024

* Attention Juniors & Seniors interested in attending or accepted in Purdue University, West Lafayette Campus.  On Tuesday, March 12 we will have a former student coming in to chat with anyone interested about life at Purdue.  She will have lots of inside information and tips on how to be successful in college and what to expect about campus life.

If you are interested, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel by Monday, March 11 at 3:00.

* Hey Seniors! Do you like money? Do you like free food? Do you like live animals juggling fireworks? Come to the Senior Fling the night of graduation! It’s from 10pm-1am with food, fun, games, mega dodgeball and cash prizes…ok, no live animals, but still. If you want to participate, you MUST register in the front office and pay the whopping 25$ for a spot. Once spring break is over, the price goes up to 30$ So register now, all early birds get their names in a drawing for gift cards worth 25-50$

Bring cash to Mrs. Appleton in the high school office.


*Attention all prospective high school baseball players.  Tryouts will be Monday after school at 3:30 PM.  We will meet in the main gym.  Be prepared to practice inside and outside.