Eastern High School Announcements
Monday, February 3, 2025
*Sophomores please pick up your cookie dough orders today at the end of the day from Mrs. Folands room.
*This is National School Counselors Week. Please be sure to thank Mrs. Slee, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Anderson for all they do for the students and staff.
*Spanish Club and SADD- our big dessert fundraiser is this Saturday at the basketball game. We need you all to bring in a dessert to make this fundraiser successful. Bring your desserts this week to Mrs. Larson’s class. This fundraiser helps support Walk A Mile. Walk a Mile is on February 22. Get your donations now and turn in by February 19 to Mrs. Larson or Mrs. Roach.
*There will be a middle school call out meeting for any boy or girl interested in soccer on Thursday, February 13th after school in the cafeteria.
*Eastern High School and Middle School staff and students: Join the Eastern Middle School/High School team for this year’s Walk A Mile for the Rescue Mission. Eastern has raised more money that any other school the past few years and we want to keep the honor of the big pink shoe trophy! See Mrs. Larson or Mrs. Roach for an envelope and details to participate.