Eastern High School Announcements
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
*On Wednesday, December 11th from 7-9 pm in the fieldhouse, the softball team will be hosting this year’s dodgeball tournament fundraiser for all high school and middle school students. Those interested in getting a team together need to pick up an information flyer from Mrs. Woodall in the athletic office.
*7th grade girls basketball callout will be today at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
*Middle School Fellowship of Christian Students will meet this Thursday in Ms. Carpenter’s room from 3:10-3:45. All middle school students are welcome to join us.
*All students going on the senior trip. The final planning/details meeting will be this Thursday at 8 pm in the cafeteria. Please plan to attend as we’ll be going over important details about rooms, departure time, packing instructions and tips, dining reservations, and answering all questions you have. Your parents are invited to attend as well. This Thursday, 8 pm, cafeteria.
*”Any HIGH SCHOOL boys or girls interested in participating in track and field this spring, and WHO ARE NOT CURRENTLY IN A WINTER SPORT:
Coaches Donson and Kantz will start winter conditioning NEXT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH FROM 3:30-4:30.
*Conditioning will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
*You must have a physical on file to be able to participate.
*Comet t-shirts will be given for those athletes who attend often!
Have questions? Email Coach Blake Donson or Anne Kantz”
*Attention Juniors and Seniors – A representative from the University of Northern Ohio will be at Eastern on Friday, December 6 at 10:30. If you would like to learn more about the University of Northern Ohio, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Thursday, December 5th.
*Middle School Softball Call-Out meeting will be held on December 10 @ 6PM in the Library Community Room. Any girl grades 6-8 interested in playing should plan to attend with their parents.
*Spanish Club will have a hot chocolate planning meeting on Thursday after school until 4pm.
*Attention all prospective baseball players not participating in a winter sport. There will be a short meeting on Thursday at 3:15 in the cafeteria to discuss winter workouts. If for some reason you can’t attend the meeting, please see Coach Hisner.
*Each year, Eastern Middle School students from Ms. Secrest, Mrs. Patterson and Ms. Carpenter’s class enter The VFW Patriot’s Pen essay contest. Essays are judge and awarded prizes from Local VFW’s who also host a pizza party for the winners, parents and teachers. This year’s winners who will receive monetary awards are:
Winners from the Kokomo VFW Post:
*Jackson Vanhorn $300
*Gavin Vester-Atherton- $100
*Kennedy Fugett $100
*Isaac Matos $200 from the Marion VFW Post