10/9/23 Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Monday October 9, 2023.

The softball open gym will be inside today and tomorrow. Please meet in the multi-purpose room by 4:30 if you plan to attend.

There will be a Spanish Club meeting on Wednesday after school until 4pm.  We will make brigadeiro (brig- ah-DAY-roh), play Loteria and learn some fun facts about Hispanic Heritage Month.


Attention Juniors and Seniors – A representative from IU Indianapolis will be at Eastern on Wednesday, October 11 at 8:30.  If you would like to learn more about IU Indianapolis, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Tuesday, October 10.

Please check the lost and found if you are missing anything. This area will be cleared out over fall break.


There will be a call-out meeting for any high school girl interested in being on the swimming or diving team on October 10th.  The meeting will be right after school on the pool deck.  If you cannot attend the meeting, be sure to see Coach Sarah in her classroom, room 101, to pick up the information.