1/30/24 Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Tuesday January 30, 2024

 *Middle School and High School students and staff- everyone is invited to participate in Walk A Mile for the Rescue Mission on Saturday, Feb. 24.  Details coming soon! Mark your calendars so we can be the school to bring home the big pink shoe!

*There will be a Sunshine Club meeting in Ms. Meador’s room on Thursday February 1st at 7:50.

*Middle School student council will have their next meeting after school on Thursday in Ms. Lowman’s classroom.

*Tryouts for Super Smash Brothers will take place on Thursday after school in the computer lab. Tryouts are only open to high schoolers. See Mr. Ritter, Ms. Maxwell, or Mr. Johnson for details.

*Attention Juniors and Seniors -A representative from Purdue Kokomo Poly Tech  will be at Eastern on Tuesday, February 6 at 10:30.  If you would like to learn more about Purdue Kokomo Poly Tech, please sign up with Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office by Friday, February 2.