1/17/23 Announcements

Eastern High School Announcements

Tuesday January 17, 2023

The English bowl team will begin its weekly meetings at 7:35 AM on Wednesday, Jan. 18.

Juniors: Your J. Edwards order form and money is due tomorrow! Please have all your money in either an envelope or bag with your name on it.

Those going on the senior trip, there is an important planning meeting Wednesday, January 18th at 7 pm in the study hall room. Parents are welcome but do not have to attend. Important info will be discussed, so please plan on attending!

Friendly reminder that Wednesday is the last day to purchase Winter Homecoming Dance tickets.  Tickets are on sale before school in the cafeteria and throughout the day in Mrs. Nibert’s room. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door, so if you are wanting to go, they need to be purchased by Wednesday.

Attention all Middle school BOYS AND GIRLS interested in soccer.  There will be a call-out meeting on today, January 17th immediately after school in the cafeteria.  Please make plans to attend to discuss the upcoming spring season.

Keep your eyes open for the big pink shoe coming to Eastern! It’s time for Walk A Mile- an event that supports the Rescue Mission.  Everyone is invited to participate on Feb 11. There will be a meeting in Mrs. Larson’s room with information. Come find out what the event is all about. Eastern will try to keep the pink shoe trophy for being the school raising the most money.  Information meetings will be on Wednesday, Jan 18 after school or on Friday morning at 7:50am. Join us!

The Eastern Bowling Team took part in Sectional competition over the weekend, with two bowlers successfully advancing to Regionals this Saturday in Kokomo.  Parker Rogers placed second with a three-game score of 570 pins, and Levi Lapp placed sixth with a score of 543.  This is the first time that Eastern has advanced multiple individuals to Regional.  Others competing and bowling over their season averages included Bryce Barker, Jase Cloum, Evan Lapp, Mason Krebs, and Emma Pilon.   

There will be a Sunshine Club meeting on Thursday January 26 @ 7:45 AM in Ms. Meador