Eastern High School Announcements
Tuesday January 3, 2023
Students who need to change your schedule: You will have until Monday, January 9 at 3:00 p.m. to fill out the google form that Mrs. Slee emailed you. Until you meet with Mrs. Slee, you need to report to the class that shows in Skyward. ONLY if you are missing a class should you come to the Guidance Office.
Auditions for the Spring Musical will be this week! A large cast is needed for the
show. Students interested in reading for a part need to come to auditions
Wednesday and Thursday. Students only auditioning for the chorus can audition
Thursday and Monday.
We are still in need of an Assistant Student Director, Stage Manager and Crew
Please check the bulletin board in the choir hallway for more information.
The English bowl team will begin its weekly meetings at 7:35 AM on Wednesday, Jan. 18.
There will be a boy’s golf callout meeting on January 9 at 3:30 in the cafeteria for any high school boy interested in golfing this spring.
“Girls who are interested in participating in track and field –AND WHO ARE NOT IN A WINTER SPORT– can start coming to winter strength and conditioning on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 -4:30.
We meet in the cafeteria. See /or email Mrs. Kantz if you have any questions!”