High School Testing



ISTEP  -  Indiana State Testing

The ISTEP tests are taken by all students in grades 3-8.   See the Schedule below for testing dates through 2014.

2013 - 14 School Year

Test Start Date End Date
ISTEP+ Writing 3//15 3//15
ISTEP+ Progress 4//15 5//15


PSAT - The Pre-SAT is a preparatory SAT exam scheduled for Sophomores and Juniors.  The 2015 - 2016  testing date is October Wednesday, October 28, 2015  and is administered at Eastern.

SAT/ACT are exams taken to qualify for college entrance.  Either exam may be taken multiple times throughout the year at various locations.  Most schools traditionally take either test (ACT or SAT), but check with your admisssion office to make sure both are accepted. Information about testing dates and reservations can be found at the College Board website.  Of particular importance is the fact that the January 23, 2016 and the March 5, 2016 the SATs may be taken at Eastern.  2015-2016 SAT/ACT Testing Calendar

Eastern High School's CEEB code is 151385. You will need this code when registering for the SAT or ACT. If you are taking the SAT at Eastern our "test center site code" is 15-322.

Follow the links at College Board to register online for the SAT, view and send your scores, find dates and locations and take practice tests. Information on the PSAT and AP tests is also available. There is a new SAT question posted everyday to test your knowledge (it even has an explanation and hint - just in case you need help).

Use the "hot links" at ACT to register online for the ACT, find dates and locations, review and send your scores and prepare for taking the test.

Number2 has test preparation courses that are totally free! Find tutorials, practice sessions at different ability levels, a vocabulary builder and more.

End of Course Assessments (ECA)

The End of Course Assessment Exams are the required tests that students must pass in Algebra 1 and English 10 for the classes of 2016 to the class of 2018.  All current students taking Algebra I, English 10 and Biology will take the exams this year the 3rd and 4th weeks of April. Students who need to re-test will do so in December and again in April if needed. 

Students who graduate in 2016, 2017, and 2018 must pass the ECA exams to graduate.  A new ISTEP+ Exam will be administered as the required graduation test starting with the class of 2019 and beyond.  It will be administered in 10th grade in the subjects of Math and English.  The Biology exams will continue to be taken when a student is enrolled in Biology class.  


AP - Advanced Placement Exams

The AP exams are given to those who elect to finalize their AP courses for possible acceptance for college credit.  The exams are given in the Spring during the first two weeks of May.