High School 1:1 iPad Initiative

Eastern Howard iPad 1:1 Initiative

Eastern Howard is committed to providing a world class education to all of our students. To further our ability to address student needs and individualize instruction we have implemented a technology program. Each of our schools is fully 1:1 with digital devices. iPads have been chosen and distributed to all of our staff and students. Our infrastructure has been updated to handle the load and we have now added Mac labs at each building for class use. Saftey is a primary concern, especially with our 1:1 iPad deployment which stays with students 24/7. Because of this, we have implemented safe filtering for internet and app access whether students are at school or at home. While no filter is 100%, we work hard to keep our students safe. Teaching staff continue with daily professional development on a variety of topics including regular technology development. You may even find that your student's class runs a facebook page or other social media account that you can follow. Many staff have a web presence and allow access to homework and notes for easy download. Both buildings and the corporation office communicate via Facebook and Twitter accounts. Our most recent edition to teaching tools is a new Learning Management System called "Canvas." Canvas allows teachers to digitally run their classes and provide access to handouts, discussions, quizzes and other activities. A partner app from Instructure is installed on every iPad to allow students quick access to their courses. As we move further into our program and maintain certain tools, Canvas will be known more and more. Be on the lookout for your students courses in this new system.