High School Guidance News

High School Guidance News

Welcome to the Freshmen-Senior "Now Hear This" Announcements page.  Check back often to hear about upcoming guidance oportunities at Eastern Howard.

Two Hour Delay Bell Schedule       
Two Hour Delay Lunch Schedule

The Eastern High School Guidance Office would like to Welcome Mrs. Kacy Slee. Mrs. Slee will be joining the Eastern High School Guidance staff in July. She will be the Guidance Counselor for grades 9-12. She is very knowledgeable and excited to help students.   We are very happy to have her join us. 

We encourage parents to check your student(s) progress thru Skyports parent feature.  Please contact Mrs. Koziel in the Guidance Office if you do not know how to use this option or need help with your password.

Colleges representatives are visiting EHS.  Check out the 2015-2016 Schedule! 


2015-2016 Grading Periods

2015-2016 SAT/ACT Test Dates

New from the Guidance Office:  

Grade Point Conversion Chart

2015-2016 Senior College Planning Handbook   
During the last two weeks of August Mrs. Slee will be visiting each English 12 class to do a brief presentation of the handbook and answer any questions. The handbook includes a very useful timeline for Seniors who are planning to attend college next fall.

Comet College  is at EHS!  Learn how EHS Juniors and Seniors can earn tranferrable college credit.