Eastern High School Announcements
Thursday, May 16, 2024
*Tickets are still on sale for the senior fling. The cost is 30$ per person and there will be no tickets sold at the door. Deadline for ticket purchase is Thursday May 23″
*On Friday, May 24th we will be having a Spirit Day for seniors! All seniors, please wear something that represents what you will be doing after graduation! This can be a college shirt, work shirt…anything to represent what you have lined up! Everyone else, wear Green and Gold! Let’s celebrate our seniors!!
*Students who signed up for the Driver’s Ed class on Saturday, May 18, should have received a paper with information regarding the class Saturday. If you did not receive it, please contact Ms. Carpenter. Students who have their driver’s permit, don’t forget to email Ms. Carpenter to let her know you have your permit.
*Attention drama club students. Do you want to show off your talents at the end of the year? 24 Hour theater is your time. You will write, act, direct, and more. The meeting for upperclassmen is this Friday at 7:45 am! Underclassmen meeting is the 21st at 7:45 am. You won’t want to miss this! Contact Ms. Maxwell with questions.
*Congratulations on a fantastic win!
Congratulations Jenna and Lauren on goals.
Aspen, way to look at new plays and work through the other team’s opportunities. Great hustle
Annabelle, love to see the intensity, way to be there for your team
Lauren, way to fight and not give up on the ball, fantastic job at crashing the goal
Ari, fantastic hustle, way to push the ball through
*The boys middle school game is canceled for tonight and no practice.
* There will be no hero’s club after school today.