2/12/24 Announcements

 Eastern High School Announcements

 Monday February 12, 2024

* The Eastern Key Club will be hosting a valentine’s lip sucker sale from now until the end of the week. They are being sold for one dollar each and proceeds are going towards the Walk A Mile Fundraiser. Stop by their table in the cafeteria during lunch to get yours!

* “It’s time to add dodgeball back to your calendars. The rescheduled dates for our Dodgeball Duels are Tuesday February 20th for the Middle School division, and the High School Division will be Thursday February 22nd.  Both events will begin at 6pm. Teams can include both students and teachers, so get your teams together and be sure to turn in your forms no later than Monday February 19th. Forms may be picked up in the athletic office.”

*Attention Middle school girls soccer players.  There will be a meeting right after school in the cafeteria today.  Please plan to attend.

*Tomorrow will be a homeroom day. All sophomores will report to the cafeteria and junior GIRLS will report to the PAC.

*High school students who are interested in this year’s stage crew for the musical, there will be a call out meeting Wednesday, February 14th in the choir room at 3:30.

*There will be open cages for boys’ golf Monday and Friday from 3:30-4:15. You must have a physical on file to participate. If you are planning to play, please see Coach Lamb this week to get uniform orders submitted.