Eastern High School Announcements
Thursday, January 16, 2025
*SADD club meeting will be today from 3:30-4:00pm.
*Students in grades 7th thru 10th….We are going to Costa Rica in 2027! There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 29. See Mrs. Larson for more details.
*Reminder for any boy that is playing volleyball, you need to bring your money to the high school office.
*Any high school softball player that did not attend the meeting on Monday night, please stop by the Athletic Department by Friday and see Mrs. Woodall to get information for this upcoming season.
*Middle School Fellowship of Christian students will meet today after school in Ms. Carpenter’s classroom. All middle school students are welcome to attend.
*There will be a Boys Varsity Golf Callout meeting on January 24 at 3:15 in Mr. Lamb’s classroom.